
Homage See Nearby Visits Feature

Homage offers comprehensive caregiving and health solutions, that combine trained Care Professionals with technology to provide on-demand holistic home and community-based care to seniors and adults. For Care Owners, Homage offers flexibility in arranging caregiving visits for their loved ones or themselves. With over 15,000 highly skilled Care Professionals, individuals can effortlessly access a wide range of caregiving services tailored to their unique needs.


To achieve the forecasted revenue growth, Homage will need to increase the supply of CGH (caregiving hours). Alongside onboarding newly activated Care Professionals, another way to achieve this goal is by increasing the CGH per active Care Professional. This project is about making it easier for current active Care Professionals to take up multiple nearby visits.

My role

I collaborated closely with the Product Manager in this project to transform conceptual ideas into feasible features. Together, we prioritised and negotiated our development roadmap. Leading the design process from initial research to usability testing, I facilitated collaboration with engineers to ensure successful implementation. I actively sought stakeholder buy-in at each stage, fostering alignment and garnering support for our project objectives.

Problem statement

How might we upsell visits to CPs to help them better plan their day when they already have a visit scheduled?
How can we help Care Pros identify and apply for visits that are near their scheduled visits?

In past interviews with the Care Pros, they have shared that it is difficult to chain multiple visits per day using the Inbox. Visit chaining is defined as completing more than one visit per day. Care Pros would like to be able to view and apply for visits close to one of their scheduled visits. This aligns with their visit application preferences; many would like to go for visits with a short travelling time to maximise their schedule, complete more visits, and increase earnings.


Increase active Care Pro visit applications
Increase caregiving hours per Care Pro
Encourage Care Pro to view & apply for visits that are nearby their scheduled visits

Exploring ideas & iterating

After consolidating insights from previous interviews, our team—comprising four designers and two product managers—convened for a brainstorming session to explore potential enhancements for the Care Pro app. Following this session, we documented and prioritised our ideas to refine the Care Pro app roadmap.


Communicating the idea

To help the team understand the solution better, I worked on some quick mockups. Initially, we considered placing a banner within the visit card, but after internal testing, feedback suggested it was too small and lacked encouragement for tapping. Another ingress point was to incorporate the banner below the location information on the visit details page. However, we decided against this approach as users typically review this page closer to the visit date, resulting in lower visibility for the banner.


Phased approach solution

Recognising the potential of this quick win feature, where the app suggests open visits to Care Pros with existing appointments to enhance application rates, we agreed to develop a phased approach solution for the See Nearby feature. This phased approach also enables us to gauge user engagement, allowing for iterative improvements based on usage patterns.

Phase 1 -
Apply to Nearby Visits button

In the initial phase, we focused on encouraging Care Pros to apply for visits scheduled on the same date and within a 5 km radius of their scheduled visits. For the Malaysia and Australia markets, the radius is defined as 15 km. 

To achieve this, we introduced an 'Apply to <x> nearby visits' button directly on the visit card. At first glance, the user will be able to tell the number of visits available, and tapping on that button will direct the users to the Inbox where they'll be able to see the list of filtered visits near their scheduled visit.


Results from the first release

Launched in June 2023, this Phase 1 quick-win feature took one sprint to develop, QA, and launch. We observed a higher adoption rate than anticipated in Singapore. However, in Malaysia and Australia, adoption rates were lower, attributed to the lower density of visits in these regions. 

This result showed a positive sign, as Care Pros were tapping on it and using it. In the next step, the PM and I looked at another ingress point for recommending nearby visits after users applied for a visit.

Phase 2 -
Post-application visit recommendation

After Care Pros apply for a visit, they will see a confirmation modal. This will serve as another ingress point to the 'Apply to <x> nearby visits' flow, encouraging further visit applications. Allowing Care Pros to discover additional nearby visits after applying for one and helping them to chain multiple visits in a day.


Results from the second release

Phase 2 was launched in Aug 2023, the results met the expectation and contributed to 

5% of 'See Nearby' clicks and 13% of applications in September.

Many Care Pros in Singapore, started using the See Nearby feature to chain and apply for visits, aiming to achieve the Daily Bonus incentives. This trend contributed to the increased engagement with See Nearby features and increase in visit application.

Phase 3 -
See Nearby Visits in Inbox

As we further developed this feature, it became evident that Care Pros frequently engaged with it, effectively fulfilling our objective of increasing visit applications. In Phase 3, our focus shifted to the Inbox. Our aim was to enable Care Pros to identify nearby visits while scrolling through their Inbox. We believe integrating this feature into the Inbox, which receives higher traffic and user interaction than the Visit tab, would help to reach more Care Pros.

Tag visits as 'Near your visit'

We introduced a 'Near your visit' tag on the visit cards to allow Care Pros to identify which visits are near their upcoming visits to save on travel time between visits.

Given that the visit matches the nearby criteria, when Care Pros tap to view the application details, they'll see a 'Near your visit' banner. The banner will show the distance between both visits and the time of the upcoming visit for easy recall. 


Carousell banner for 'Near your visit'

To help Care Pros discover the improved feature, we introduced a new carousel banner that filters visits with the 'Near your visit' tag and sorts them by visit start time (earliest). This approach allows Care Pros to browse the full list of visits easily and decide which ones to apply for, effectively optimising their schedule.


Design system upgrade

We also did a design system upgrade in phase 3 and below are the updated screens and components.


Overall results

With the launch of this feature, we have seen how it positively impacted the fulfilment rate, increasing the number of applications per active Care Pro and how it helped them to chain up visits. 

+ 11.7% in caregiving hours in Singapore

To maintain confidentiality, actual metric values have been excluded.

Working on this quick-win feature was a joy, lots of learning throughout the process. Thanks to the designers and PMs for the feedback and support: Alex Jones, Naman, Becky, Darren. Many thanks to the talented developers, Arkar, Ye Yint, Usama, Rico (front-end), Rachel, Rifat (back-end) and Abhishek, Ismail (QA).